Large electricity users in Vermont are constantly looking for savings. The simplest method to achieve savings may be to receive net metering credits from a Group Net Metering Project.
What is a Group Net Metering Project? A Group Net Metering Project is a solar installation in one location, that allocates net metering credits – energy value in the form of a bill credit – to one or multiple electricity accounts located elsewhere. An important note, the solar project and recipient electricity accounts must be in the same utility territory.
In return for net metering credits, that offset some or all of their electric bill dollar for dollar, customers of a Group Net Metering Project typically pay a discounted price for the net metering credits they receive. For a large energy user receiving net metering credits from a large Group Net Metering Project savings can easily equal tens of thousands of dollars a year – just for signing a contract. No capital investment, solar panels or maintenance required. Over the term of the agreement savings can well exceed hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Here are two basic examples, one where a solar project site generates electricity far in excess of what that site could use in a month. It designates to the utility to send that excess value (the net metering credits) to the electric account of a building on a separate property in the same utility territory. The credits arrive on the other building’s electric bill and offset what that building would have normally had to pay that month.Another example is where the solar array allocates net metering credits to multiple accounts monthly.
Savvy energy purchasers and budget-conscious energy users across Vermont are benefiting from these power purchase arrangements and more stand to benefit as well. Typical customers of Group Net Metering Projects in Vermont include schools, municipalities, manufacturers, and ski resorts. These agreements help facilitate renewable energy in Vermont as well, helping to ensure Vermont’s energy is from locally generated clean energy.
Are you a large electricity user in Vermont interested in learning how to save? Contact us at 508-538-4Sun or contact us through our the website here:
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