National Grid

National Grid, Massachusetts Electricity and Gas Utility

Why Is My NSTAR Or National Grid Electric Bill So High?

Considering the rising cost, or value, of electricity it is definitely worth making sure that you are being billed for the appropriate amount and at the appropriate rate. At the same time utility billing and net metering credit regulations are becoming increasingly arcane for the average electric account holder with solar or wind. Therefore a regular detailed review of all of the constituent elements of your bill is important.  Even as electric rates have gone up by significant amounts this winter due to cold weather and energy supply constraints, there are a number of key places on your bill where you can have control with the right expertise. If you’re a net metering facility ensuring that you’re receiving the proper net metering credits is key. The same is true if you are allocating or receiving credits through the use of a Schedule Z form. Properly managing your account will make sure you’re on top of, and reducing, one of the largest expenses for commercial and industrial organizations in Massachusetts – electricity.

Suntility Net Metering Credit ServicesTo learn about Suntility Electric’s Bill Audit and Net Metering Credit Services and how we can analyze, manage and provide actionable savings to your electric account or accounts contact us today.

Suntility is your trusted partner in success. Suntility provides renewable energy maintenance services, utility credit services, owner’s agent services and consulting solutions to optimize facility reliability, performance and value.

To learn more contact us at 508-566-6322


Site Audits & Bill Audits are a Great Way to Start the Spring & Summer Solar & Wind Production Seasons

Suntility Commercial SolarWith the best months ahead for renewable energy production, and most specifically for solar, now is a great time to ensure your utility electricity account (NSTAR or National Grid) is in order and that your physical renewable energy facility is in good shape. Before spring is prime time to recognize any potential maintenance issues and also ensure your utility account will be providing you the best value through the peak production months ahead.

Suntility Site Audit Many solar and wind projects are completed in early spring after the snow and ice has cleared. Therefore full technical audits at this time can offer a detailed picture of the workmanship of an installation and offer the peace of mind that you’ll be in the best position moving forward with your net metering credits and renewable energy certificates as well. Additionally for existing systems harsh winter weather conditions can also warrant further technical reviews. For solar and wind facilities worth millions of dollars, site audits and bill audits are both extremely cost-effective ways to help manage the significant investment you’ve made in clean energy. To learn more and receive a free initial consultation and complimentary proposal for your installation(s) contact us at the information below.

Suntility is your trusted partner in success. Suntility provides renewable energy maintenance services, utility credit services, owner’s agent services and consulting solutions to optimize facility reliability, performance and value.

To learn more contact us at 508-566-6322

Check out how the recent storm is affecting electricity markets and reliability

Powerlines and snowfall in New England

Powerlines and snowfall in New England

Wondering how the recent snowfall and blizzard are affecting electricity markets in Massachusetts and across the region check out these links and graphics.

See how the cold weather increases wholesale electricity prices as customers increased heating demands on electric heat and natural gas push up electricity prices in the marketplace:

Independent System Operator New England – Guest Dashboard

See where there are current outages by town in the NSTAR electric service territory:

NSTAR Outage Map

See where there are current outages in the National Grid electric service territory:

National Grid Outage Map

Renewable energy sources such as wind can help to lower wholesale electricity prices in the winter as wind has no fuel costs and is increasingly more competitive than oil and coal. Solar, also with no fuel costs, provides a similar benefit in both the summer and in the winter on good sunny days – and when the snow is clear.

Suntility is your trusted partner in success. Suntility provides renewable energy maintenance services, utility credit services, owner’s agent services and consulting solutions to optimize facility reliability, performance and value.

 To learn more contact us at 508-566-6322